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This week’s on demand classes are now ready for you

Check out our new classes below which have been added to your member area.

Beginners #84: Introducing the small ball

Introduce the Pilates small ball to your practice to add new variations and have fun. In this session, Giuseppe helps you improve mobility, particularly within the back, and strengthen your legs.

Improvers & intermediate #18: Movement

This session with Anna, lasts around 40-45 minutes getting progressively more challenging throughout. It should leave you feeling stronger and longer…

Express #60: Full body

In this Express class, Gillian looks at some more functional movements. Movements that can help us in our daily lives. We move, stretch, reach push and pull in a variety of different positions. Get all the moves you need in one quick work-out.

Pilates fitness #81: Spice up your planks

Starting with abdominal mat work, we progress onto various plank variations to really spice up your Pilates practice! This dynamic session will work your shoulder strength in particular. Get ready to move & feel energised!

Members can find these in ‘My videos’ by clicking here.

Not a member yet? Click here to start your 14 day free trial with us. You will have instant access to our extensive library of classes for all levels, taken by expert instructors based throughout Scotland. Membership is £15 per month after the initial trial period with no fixed term contract.


Pilates Scotland Team