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Strong and supple

Check out our new classes below which have been added to your member area.

23rd April: Alignment and balance (available now)

Working the arms and shoulders, before moving to the larger muscles of the legs.  Test your balance with a modified tree, working at your own level and using props if necessary.

24th April: Abdominals (available now)

In today’s fix we look at the hundred.  More specifically, variations on the hundred.  A tough exercise for many, but feel free to modify as much as you need.

25th April: Hips (available from 5am 25/4/23)

Our hips are crucial to allow us to walk, run and jump.  Maintaining strong balanced hips are important to prevent injuries and continued smooth movement.   Let’s move those hips!

26th April: Back & glutes (available from 5am 26/4/23)

We start with traditional bridges, working deeply into the glutes.  Next we work the back and have a go at an interesting mermaid move.

27th April: Spinal & shoulders (available from 5am 27/4/23)

We begin this daily fix with push-ups, challenging and very effective. From the top to the bottom and after a little interlude from the bottom to the top!!

28th April: Twists (available from 5am 28/4/23)

Starting with the upper body we energise and stimulate the spine. Next, we keep stability in the upper body whilst twisting the legs from side to side, energetically working the lower back.

29th April: Flexibility (available from 5am 29/4/23)

Let’s stretch and lengthen the muscles in the legs and hips. Slowly does it, enabling the muscles to react to our gentle persuasion.

SS#19: Pilates for dancers - Bend and burn (available now)

This mat based class will have you feeling your abdominals and glutes as we work our core muscles, incorporating plenty of flexibility work in the mix. Strong and supple is our motto!

Members can find these in ‘My videos’ by clicking here.

Not a member yet? Click here to start your 14 day free trial with us. You will have instant access to our extensive library of classes for all levels, taken by expert instructors based throughout Scotland. Membership is £15 per month after the initial trial period with no fixed term contract.


Pilates Scotland Team