New videos available from Pilates Scotland
Check out our new classes below which have been added to your member area.
Beginners #81: Floor session

A 45 minutes session for beginners, taking our time going though the moves to establish great technique and excellent results.
Improvers & intermediate #15: 4 Stage Pilates Workout

Working in 4 distinct positions; standing, prone (facing down), lying on the back and side lying, enjoy this all round class to build up your overall strength, particularly the shoulders, abdominals and glutes.
Express #57: Upper body

Follow Giuseppe’s session to help sculpt your upper body: shoulders, chest and arms.
Pilates fitness #78: This is how we roll

Gillian concentrates on rolling in this Pilates Fitness class. Rolling like a ball is a challenging Pilates move with great benefits, stimulating the spine as well as deeply working the abdominals. Starting with some preparatory moves to warm up the body before we start to roll. Prepare to challenge your balance and control with an open leg rocker.
Members can find these in ‘My videos’ by clicking here.
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Pilates Scotland Team