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Happy New Year, happy new classes!

2021 is here and aren’t we all pleased about it!  We hope, like us, you have taken some time to reflect on the previous year and are focusing on the positives.  It was a year that brought us appreciation for the smaller things in life, which we think are often the most important. Many of us spent more time with our family, enjoyed getting out and active in the fresh air and experienced a slower pace of life. Let’s hope to take these appreciations with us as we move into a New Year filled with hope and opportunity.

We have a new line up of classes to get your New Year off to a great start! This week’s classes include our first Express class, which has been designed to enable you to squeeze practice in on the days where you are short on time. Check them out below:

Full body express #1:

Get a full body workout in just 20 minutes. This class is perfect to work all the major muscle groups even when you are short on time.

Beginners #25: Alignment & awareness

This class of Giuseppe’s is suitable for members who are learning about their body’s alignment and awareness and also for anyone who wishes to refresh these concepts. You’ll work on keeping the body parts aligned with a focus on the breath and pelvic stability to control the body at its best.

All levels #39: Balance & core control

This session with Anna targets balance through core control and strength with both standing and floor work. The last 10 minutes of the session are designed to help you stretch and mobilise.

Pilates fitness #22: Pilates strength circuit

Enjoy 4 rounds of strength work with Christine. We work for 30 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. Be ready for fast transitions between exercises to keep your heart rate up.

Flexibility & mobility #14: Hip mobilisation

Stephanie guides you through this energising class, mobilising the hips, plus strengthening and stretching the surrounding muscles. You’ll feel supple, open in your hips and you may feel your thighs have had a workout too!

CanRehab Pilates #8:

CanRehab 8 is broken into 3 sections. Section 1 is from a standing position, moving almost continuously. In part 2 we establish a sitting position, either on the floor, or on a chair. Then finally complete the session lying on our backs before moving to standing to round off the class.

Members can find these in ‘My videos’ by clicking here.

Stay tuned for next week’s update where we will bring you a new class to encourage back health.

Pilates Scotland Team