Feel energised
Check out our new classes below which have been added to your member area.
15th October: Alignment and balance (available now)

Start today’s Pilates daily fix by standing to do the warm up, followed by some single leg work to improve balance and stability through ankle, knee and hip.
16th October: Abdominals (available now)

The entire Pilates daily fix is based on the floor, targeting al the abdominal muscles.
17th October: Hips (available from 5am 17/10/23)

Hip mobility and strength and both vital for our movement patterns. In this Pilates daily fix we attempt to challenge both.
18th October: Back & glutes (available from 5am 18/10/23)

Following our regular spine warm up we isolate the glutes and work across the back in a mainly prone position, lying face down on the mat.
19th October: Spinal & shoulders (available from 5am 19/10/23)

Based on the mat, after the spine warm up, we mobilise the shoulders and try to open up the chest while aligning the spine.
20th October: Twists (available from 5am 20/10/23)

The twisting action is driven by our oblique muscles. During this Pilates daily fix we twist from multiple positions feeling the work in the waist.
21st October: Flexibility (available from 5am 21/10/23)

Using moves that push the body through multiple planes, this is a tricky one but everything will feel so much better – once it’s over!
Members can find these in ‘My videos’ by clicking here.
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Pilates Scotland Team