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Which classes are best: On demand or live stream?

During lockdown it has been estimated that over 25% of the UK’s population regularly took part in online fitness classes. Most virtual class goers have shown an interest as online classes have been proven to improve health and general wellbeing.  The big question on everyone’s lips is, what was best, ‘on demand’ or ‘live stream’ classes? Both have their individual advantages however, the answer is usually dependent on your lifestyle. Read on to learn more.

On demand

Most people in this day and age have a hectic lifestyle and they often struggle to fit in the many things they have to do on daily basis. ‘On demand’ classes offer the individual the freedom to take part in classes when and where they like. Individuals therefore feel in control as they can do as many, or as few classes as time allows.  ‘On demand’ classes allow you to go at your own pace and you will not feel pressurised to keep up with the class or progress too quickly. You won’t feel guilty and disappointed in yourself if you miss a class because you can complete the next class when you have time in your schedule. You will find many different types of ‘on demand’ classes online that allows you the freedom to customise your own exercise program and routine by giving you variety and choice.

Live stream

If you are someone who struggles to find the discipline to take part in ‘on demand’ classes and you need some additional motivation, then perhaps making the commitment to ‘live stream’ classes is for you.  Accountability is one of the best ways to stick to your fitness goals and if you know that if you don’t turn up, you’re not only letting yourself down but perhaps also your fitness instructor, you are more likely to make the effort to take part.

So, which is best?

Both ‘on demand’ and ‘live stream’ instructors should be fully qualified and experienced, having taught many face to face classes. This means they know the common mistakes that individuals make and they can therefore draw your attention to them during the class providing you with hints and tips which you will be able to relate to. So you can rest assured,  regardless if you are training with ‘on demand’ or ‘live stream’ classes, you will be in safe hands in the same way as you would be if your instructor was delivering a face to face class.   Not only are all Pilates Scotland instructors fully qualified, each instructor also specialises in at least one field meaning that they have undergone additional training in that field.

If you are injured or perhaps feel you require some additional support, it is best to book a one-to-one session with your instructor or attend a class in person (when local restrictions allow) so the instructor can give you the attention you need.

Finally, remember, exercise is good for you and how you choose to exercise whether it be face to face or virtually, is a personal preference. The most important thing is to explore which style of class works for you.

Pilates Scotland provides an ‘on demand’ platform where members can enjoy access to our extensive library of Pilates classes with new classes being introduced every week.

To sample our classes and to experience the benefits of ‘on demand’ exercise for yourself, start our 14 day free trial by clicking here.

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