Stretch yourself
Check out our new classes below which have been added to your member area.
Daily fix #08: Alignment & balance (available now)

Today we focus on alignment when standing and work our spinal movements. Challenge your balance standing on one leg too!
Daily fix #09: Abdominals (available from 5am 9/1/23)

Lets strengthen our abdominals today! Valentina guides you through a short, yet very effective, workout using two different abdominal contractions.
Daily fix #10: Hips (available from 5am 10/1/23)

Today Valentina focuses on hips extensions and flexions and also working with hips rotators.
Daily fix #11: Back & glutes (available from 5am 11/1/23)

A short video working for glutes on all fours and side, with some back extensions and bridges.
Daily fix #12: Spinal & shoulders (available from 5am 12/1/23)

Focusing on shoulders mobility and stability in this short video, Valentina adds a few spinal movements and rolls.
Daily fix #13: Twists (available from 5am 13/1/23)

In today’s daily fix session we are exploring rotations of the torso and hips.
Daily fix #14: Flexibility (available from 5am 14/1/23)

Improve your flexibility and range of movement within your spine in today’s session. Valentina includes some highly recommended spinal and stretching movements.
Sports specific #11: Pilates for cyclists - Stretch

Leading on from our strengthen class in part 1, in this second class, we stretch out the hip flexors, back, shoulders and neck; all of the areas that can feel stiff and tight as a result of cycling, leaving you feeling refreshed and relaxed.
Members can find these in ‘My videos’ by clicking here.
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Pilates Scotland Team