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Flowing sequences

Check out our new classes below which have been added to your member area.

23rd July: Alignment and balance (available now)

This is a standing class utilising the Pilates band to help us challenge our strength, alignment and balance.

24th July: Abdominals (available now)

Today, the band provides feedback and support as we work through abdominal exercises on our backs.

25th July: Hips (available from 5am 25/7/23)

Get ready to feel the burn in your hip muscles, thanks to the band! We will stretch out afterwards.

26th July: Back & glutes (available from 5am 26/7/23)

Working in a prone (downward facing) position today, we challenge our balance whilst strengthening the whole back and glutes.

27th July: Spinal & shoulders (available from 5am 27/7/23)

We are standing today as we strengthen the shoulder and surrounding muscles, ending with a spine release. Enjoy!

28th July: Twists (available from 5am 28/7/23)

Let’s get twisty! This class incorporates plenty of seated twists.

29th July: Flexibility (available from 5am 29/7/23)

Today, enjoy a lie down as we really stretch into the hips, glutes and thighs. This is a well deserved relaxing session.

Members can find these in ‘My videos’ by clicking here.

Not a member yet? Click here to start your 14 day free trial with us. You will have instant access to our extensive library of classes for all levels, taken by expert instructors based throughout Scotland. Membership is £15 per month after the initial trial period with no fixed term contract.


Pilates Scotland Team