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Classic Pilates moves

Check out our new classes below which have been added to your member area.

9th July: Alignment and balance (available now)

Standing at the end of the mat we improve our vertebrae alignment and gradually balancing on one leg, introduce a little work for the bum and legs.

10th July: Abdominals (available now)

From sit ups to rolling like a ball this session works our abdominals in numerous ways. It’s a great burn.

11th July: Hips (available from 5am 11/7/23)

Lying on your mat we warm up the spine then work on the hips from a ‘clam’ position. Finally with leg circles and optional corkscrew, we complete our hips session.

12th July: Back & glutes (available from 5am 12/7/23)

Anna takes you through some moves that will mobilises and strengthen the back with extra work for the glute max, the biggest of the glute muscles. It might be a good idea to bring a cushion.

13th July: Spinal & shoulders (available from 5am 13/7/23)

Mobility is key here. From a sitting position we mobilise the spine before adding some strength in the form of roll backs. Then shoulder mobility to wrap up this 10 minute session.

14th July: Twists (available from 5am 14/7/23)

All the twisting. Spine twists from sitting, from lying working the obliques but finishing with a little alignment for the spine for good posture before the 12 minutes is up!

15th July: Flexibility (available from 5am 15/7/23)

Flexibility is the range of motion of muscle and connective tissues at a joint or group of joints… in this session we look at the spine, the hamstrings, calves, chest and quads.

Members can find these in ‘My videos’ by clicking here.

Not a member yet? Click here to start your 14 day free trial with us. You will have instant access to our extensive library of classes for all levels, taken by expert instructors based throughout Scotland. Membership is £15 per month after the initial trial period with no fixed term contract.


Pilates Scotland Team