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Pre and Post Natal Pilates

About Pre and Post Natal Pilates

More Information

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Your body goes through many changes during your pregnancy and Pilates is an excellent way to ensure your body can cope with the demands made upon it as well as prepare for the birth itself. Research has shown that exercising women had an active labour 30% shorter then non-exercising women.

Some of the benefits of practicing Pilates when expecting include –

Reduced back pain
Improved posture
Increased energy levels
Improved Self-esteem and confidence

Post Natal Pilates is a safe and fun way to return to fitness after having a baby. We recommend not starting exercise until at least 6 weeks after the birth, but you should be guided by your own body and your medical professional.

Some of the benefits of practicing Pilates after the birth of a baby –

Increased energy and reduced fatigue
Greater emotional well-being
Improves the pelvic floor
Improves Diastasis Rectus (Separation of the Rectus Abdominis)
Creates Social interaction
Improved circulation and healing

For more information about group classes or pre and post natal private Pilates sessions, please contact Christine at [email protected]